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Teaching Experience

Bodies In:Motion                                                                                         2016-current

Founder and owner. Working one-on-one with pre-professional and professional dancers, specializing in pre- and post-rehabilitation strengthening programs. Training dancers through a Pilates-based conditioning program as well as private ballet coaching, addressing technique dysfunctions and biomechanical imbalances. Areas of expertise include dance injuries, hypermobility disorders, and addressing common issues such as turnout, arabesque height, pirouette imbalance, dancing with scoliosis, and more.

Group class guest teaching                                                                         2008-current

Tailoring group classes for individual dance studios or companies as a part of summer intensives or special sessions throughout the year. Original classes include ballet or theatre dance technique, strength training for dance, injury prevention, performance enhancement, stretching, and recovery classes. Clients include Texas Ballet Theatre, Regeneration Company, Classical Training Program of TDC, Elon University dance program, Ballet Academy of Texas, Hathaway Academy of Ballet, Chamberlain Performing Arts, and Dance Industry.

Guest lecturing and workshops                                                                 2008-current

Writing and delivering customized workshops for summer intensives or company lectures. Workshops written around studio needs; see below for a partial list of past workshops. Clients include American Ballet Theatre school, Cary Conservatory, United Ballet Theatre, CLI Conservatory, Regeneration Company, Ballet Academy of Texas, Louisiana Delta Ballet, Dance Industry, and Chamberlain Performing Arts.

Dance educator workshop series                                                       2018-current

Creating, planning, marketing, writing, and delivering workshops centered around specific themes or ideas, often for dance educators, physical therapists, or other movement specialists. Please see below for a partial list of workshops.


The Lion King North America                                                                      2021-2023

Working with cast members of the various “The Lion King” North America casts on a weekly basis as a contractor with The Dance Ready Project. Designing the weekly conditioning classes as part of the DRP team, and teaching over Zoom. Classes geared toward addressing unique cast needs and maintaining healthy instruments.

Westside Dance Physical Therapy                                                              2002-2006

Trained private clients with some connection to physical therapy, using Pilates as an additional rehab tool.  Worked extensively with top-level dancers and athletes looking to cross-train for their sport: trained dancers from New York City Ballet, ABT, Kirov Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Royal Ballet, and more.  Also trained medal-winning Olympic athletes, professional baseball players, tennis players, triathletes, golf players and more.  Mentored under Marika Molnar.

The Kane School of Core Integration                                                        2002-2008

Worked extensively with long-term clients, training one-on-one once, twice, or three times a week as desired.  Specialized in “special populations” such as osteoporotics, hip replacements, or complex movement patterns while also earning a reputation for aggressively difficult workouts.  Developed an extremely loyal client base. Conceived, created, and taught a Pilates for Dancers group class designed to cross-train professional dancers in a Pilates setting.  Utilized Feldenkrais roller, physioballs, small balls, and bands.


Pilates for Life                                                                                                  2008-2016

Worked one-on-one with long-term clients, creating long-term goals and programs within the dance profession. Successfully trained clients through a variety of complex issues such as vertebral stress fractures, Achilles tendinopathies, talar stress fracture, extreme hypermobility, shoulder reconstruction, Osgood Schlatter, and diagnoses such as EDS and Lupus.


Workshops conceived, researched, written, and administered for dance companies, studios, and summer intensives include:

“Injury Prevention”

“Hypermobility in Dancers”

“Post-Performance Recovery Class

“Designing a Personal Maintenance Plan for Summer Intensives”

“Foot and Ankle Care”

“Proper Turnout Technique”

“Safe Stretching”


Presentations and Public Workshops



"Psoas and Iliacus Skill Acquisition for Strength                        IADMS 2024

            And Stability"

            sole presenter

"From Abstract To Action: Practical Ways to Bring                    IADMS 2024

             Physical and Mental Health Support Into

                  the Studio"

              Lead presenter

“Conditioning for Strength, Proprioception, and                        IADMS 2023

            Movement Efficiency”                                                                     

            sole presenter

“The Importance of Having Strategies for                                    IADMS 2023

            Neurodivergent Dancers”                                                   

            Lead presenter

“Turnout in Motion”                                                                        IADMS 2021

            sole presenter

“Post-Surgical Hip Rehabilitation”                                                  IADMS 2021

            Lead presenter

“A Fresh Perspective on Standing Leg Training”                          IADMS 2021


“Integrative Approach to Symptomatic Hypermobility”            IADMS 2021                         


“Training the Hypermobile Dancer”                                               IADMS 2019

            sole presenter

“Hypermobility Disorders in the Dancer”                                      IADMS 2019


“Post-performance recovery class for dancers”                          IADMS 2017

            sole presenter

“Multidisciplinary Approach to Dancer Maintenance”               Dansemedica 2022



Public Workshops

"Pilates for the Hypermobile Population"                                  2024

            Sole writer and presenter, with guest

                expert Dr. Linda Bluestein

“Hypermobility, Flexibility, and Strength”                                    2024

            Sole writer and presenter, with guest

              expert Dr. Linda Bluestein

“Raising the Mental Health Barre: A Series for Teachers”         2022, 2023

            co-organizer under Minding the Gap

“Refining Arabesque: Optimizing Movement Strategies”          2023

            collaboration with Dance Medicine Education Initiative

“Refining Turnout: Optimizing Movement Strategies”               2022

            collaboration with Dance Medicine Education Initiative

“Spot on! Pinpointing the perfect turns”                                      2021

            collaboration with Dr. Katie van den Heuvel                   

“One-Day Workshop for Teachers”                                                2018

            sole writer and presenter


Teacher Training Experience

The Kane School of Core Integration                                      2002-2008

Taught for the Kane School’s teacher certification program, specializing in “Biomechanics” and “Special Populations”.  Duties included teaching a large group of students from a written curriculum, having a thorough knowledge of the information being taught, and being able to impart the information in an easy-to-understand, memorable way, as well as being available for follow-up questions.

Staffed supervising teacher training hours, when students practiced teaching techniques on volunteers.  Duties included observing students, making notes on their progress, writing mini-workshops to “brush up” on a topic as needed, stepping into a session when a safety risk or incorrect technique was observed.

Participated in the teacher training mentoring program.  Duties included being observed by teacher trainers for several private sessions; being available via phone, email, and in person for follow-up and clarifying conversations; observing student in question and giving feedback over a long period of time.

Conceived, wrote, and administered the following series of teacher training tutorials:

Foot and Ankle, Knee, Pelvis and Sacrum, Spine I and II, Shoulder

Conceived, created, and taught a Pilates for Dancers group class designed to cross-train professional dancers in a Pilates setting.  Utilized Feldenkrais roller, physioballs, small balls, and bands.


Class/Workshop Development                                                2008-current

Over the course of my professional Pilates career I’ve developed a number of continuing education classes for Pilates teachers.  I’ve conceived, researched, written, advertised, and administrated the following courses:

Pilates for the Hypermobile Population

Pilates and Dancers:  Building and Maintaining a Healthy Instrument

Guided Stretching for Pilates

The Bum Rap:  Targeting Glutes in A Pilates-Based Workout

Working With Rotational Discs

Special Populations for Mat Teachers

Beyond Basics:  Ass-Kicking Exercises on the Reformer

Beyond Basics:  Ass-Kicking Exercises on the Cadillac

Sweating the Small Stuff:  Beyond Basics on the Chair and Barrel


Workshops conceived, researched, written, and administered for dancers include:

Post-Performance Recovery Class

Injury Prevention

Designing A Personal Maintenance Plan for Summer Intensives

Hypermobility in Dancers

Working with Hyperextension

Foot and Ankle Care

Proper Turnout Technique

Safe Stretching


Pilates Training and Continuing Education

Mat Certification                                                  Kane School of Core Integration, 2002

Advanced Equipment Certification                   Kane School of Core Integration, 2002

Dance Medicine Certification                             Marika Molnar and Westside Dance PT, 2016

Teacher Training Program level 1                      Lisa Howell, 2019

Level 2 Flexibility Intensive                                 Lisa Howell 2020

Level 3 Flexibility Intensive                                  Lisa Howell 2022

Smart Spine Certification                                    Marie-Jose Blom, 2014

Parasetter workshop (online)                             Marika Molnar & Physical/Mind Institute, 2016

Progressing Ballet Technique Certification       Marie Walton-Mahon, Progressing Ballet Technique, 2017

Polestar Pilates Rotational Sports workshop   Brent Anderson, 2010

Pre-Natal Certification                                         Debbi Goodman, 2003

Post-Partum Certification                                    Debbi Goodman, 2004

Gait Analysis                                                          Debbi Goodman, 2004

Physioball Certification                                        Lesley Powell, 2004

Pelvic Imagery Workshop                                    Erik Franklin, 2003

Pointe shoe fitter certification                            The Perfect Pointe, 2016

Participant in ongoing monthly UT Southwestern-based sports medicine journal review

Jennifer is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher

IADMS world conference attendee                     2002-present

Equipment Experience


Certified on the following:

All Pilates equipment, including the reformer, Cadillac, high barrel, arc, chair, and more


Foam roller

Smart Spine tools


Trained on the following:

Parasetter and Mini Parasetters

Franklin Balls


Functional Footprints

Turnout discs

Yamuna balls


Nationally Certified Pilates Trainer #15754                                             2017-present

Bendy Bodies podcast, co-host                                                                  2020-present

International Association of Dance Medicine and Science                     2002-present

Minding the Gap advisory board                                                                2020-present

Doctors for Dancers, member                                                                    2019-present

Dansemedica, founding member                                                               2020-present

The Bridge Dance Project, member                                                           2020-present

Personal Training and Background

Professional ballet and musical theatre dancer for 15 years, performing nation-wide.  Studied Pilates privately since 1997, taking all across the country from a variety of teachers and styles.  Also studied gyrotonics and yoga.  Certified dance medicine specialist with Westside Dance Physical Therapy. Completed several Lisa Howell certification courses, and certified in Progressing Ballet Technique. Took non-certification classes in Franklin Balls, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique.  Completed college Anatomy and Physiology.  National Pilates Certification Program-certified pilates trainer. Member of Doctors for Dancers. Founding member of DanseMedica/The Pointe Shop +. Member of the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, 2003-current. On the advisory board for Minding the Gap.

© 2016 by In:Motion Ventures, LLC. 

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